Your donation is really important to us. It will help keep us Jumping. The World War II Airborne Command will be teaching Two Jump Courses a year and also has various training weekends to maintain jump status and to stay current. “On Top Of All That" a busy schedule at numerous airshows around the country. The wear and tear on the parachutes and equipment is immense, but with your donation you can help us keep the equipment up to date and the Parachute Riggers will be able to maintain it.

The World War II Airborne Command Inc is a 501C3, non-profit, tax exempt corporation organized under the laws of the State of Oklahoma. 

EIN  85-0521177

WWII AIRBORNE COMMAND is funded by the generosity of the general public. All donations to the team, whether they be in financial support, artifacts or services are tax deductible under the rules of IRS code 501C3.

The WWII Airborne Demonstration Team Foundation was formed to honor and serve the memory of the men and women who fought and died to preserve America’s freedom during WWII. . The activities of the foundation also recognize and honor those who served . The Foundation serves that honorable purpose through the participation of its members in active parachute jumping in the style of the WWII airborne soldier, utilizing an aircraft that participated in the invasion of Europe in 1944. These activities serve to further the memory of their unbending loyalty to the cause of freedom. Further, it is the goal of the Foundation to foster, promote and engage in research of WWII  operations and military history and to inform and educate the public through Dynamic Demonstrations Airborne Operations.